If you suffer from any bacteria or virus reactions make an appointment with Dr. Greg Dobson of Dobson Chiropractic Center in Chesaning or Durand, MI today!
Dobson Chiropractic Center utilizes specific full spine adjustments along with instrument adjusting when needed. As an added benefit, we include a very relaxing robotic massage chair session to help your muscles adapt to the structural changes. Also, we have advanced training in treating low back disc conditions with electric lumbar traction procedure as well as extremity adjusting of shoulders, elbows, jaws, wrists for carpel tunnel symptoms, knees, and ankles when needed. We have specialized training in treating scoliosis and other abnormal curvatures to improve your overall health and the stability of your spine, and does follow up x-rays to measure progress. We have helped hundreds of patients over the years who have been in mild to serious car accidents and provide care to many athletes.
Call us for an appointment today!
Chesaning (989) 845-5433 or Durand (989) 288-5351
I am a participating physician for the VA. If you are a veteran and would like to set up an appointment, contact the VA and they will arrange to get you an appointment. They cover 100% of the cost of care for up to 12 visits at a time. I look forward to hearing from you. I feel it is an honor to take care of our veterans .
Schedule an AppointmentIf you suffer from any bacteria or virus reactions make an appointment with Dr. Greg Dobson of Dobson Chiropractic Center in Chesaning or Durand, MI today!
If you are in need of spine realignment consider making an appointment with Dr. Greg Dobson of Dobson Chiropractic Center in Durand, MI today!
Chiropractic care may help your health. Make an appointment today at Dobson Chiropractic Center in Chesaning, MI with Dr. Greg Dobson today!