The Myth of a Minor Crash

Chesaning, MI Injury Care

There's a common misconception that you can't be injured during a "minor" crash. We hear it all the time in our Chesaning office. The truth is that you absolutely can be hurt in a low speed crash.

Extensive research was done by scientists on the nature of rear-end crashes and they found that there was no coorelation between the speed of a crash and chance that the occupant would be injured in that crash. The video below shows just how violent a car crash can be.

Even a simple fender-bender can put tremendous strain on the ligaments of your neck, which can lead to reduced mobility and scar tissue.

If you live in Chesaning, MI and you've been injured in an accident, the staff at Dobson Chiropractic Center is here to help. Give us a call today at (989) 845-5433 for an appointment or consultation.